United States
Storybook Treasures
Partnered since 2018
Early Childhood Literacy
Personal Libraries
Classroom Books
Teacher Professional Development
Student Literacy Kits
Just 25 miles from Wellington, Florida, the epicenter of winter equestrian sports, the city of Belle Glade struggles with poverty, violence and widespread unemployment. Two-thirds of students who cannot read proficiently by the end of fourth grade will end up in jail or on welfare.* To change the outcome, early literacy intervention is a must. Pioneer Park Elementary is changing the statistics in Belle Glade with the support of Storybook Treasures, the literacy program funded through JustWorld International. Designed by lifelong teacher Denise Corbo, Storybook Treasures is taught within a school setting by specially trained pre-kindergarten through 3rd grade teachers and is built to equip students with a comprehensive curriculum that enhances classroom learning, a classroom set of books, books to build a home library collection, and supplemental support materials throughout the school year. The goal is to close the achievement gap between culturally, linguistically and economically deprived students.
*Write Express Corporation. “Literacy Statistics.” Begin to Read. Accessed February 24, 2015
*Based On 2022 Data